Public Right of Way (PROW
We have a Public Right of Way that runs through the golf course for local residents and visitors to use. This PROW links up with other local PROW’s so people can enjoy walking and exercising in the local area.
Right to Roam
Barlborough Links Golf Couse is privately owned land, therefore members of the public who are not using our facilities must keep to the PROW at all times. Golf courses are exceptionally dangerous due to the nature of the sport, hence are also classed as ‘excepted land’ meaning Right to Roam does not apply under any circumstances. You can read more about that here.
We hope you enjoy the surroundings whilst walking through here including our beautiful feature pond and many species of wildlife that call it home, and respectfully ask that you keep to the PROW at all times with dogs on leads. There are four reasons why we ask you to keep to the PROW at all times and not wander on the course:
- Golf is a dangerous sport and you should beware of flying golf balls. Golfers may not be aware of you if you are walking elsewhere on the course – we would hate for a ball to hit you or your dog
- To keep the wild animals (including Deer) and birds safe from being chased by dogs
- We use chemical treatments on all our grasses
- Golfers are paying to play a sport here and due to the nature of the game they can use the entire course as part of their game – imagine you playing tennis or bowling and someone walking across the court or the bowling green while you are trying to play – it would likely spoil your game, as it does the golfers who play here. One of our top three complaints is walkers not staying on the PROW.
We aren’t being pedantic – we are a local family trying to run a business to support our family, whilst keeping members of the public safe and our golfers happy. Our staff will challenge you if don’t keep to the public foothpath for your safety.
Here’s a plan of where the PROW runs through the course. Bolsover District Council are trying to establish the blue line as a PROW from Barlborough Road to connect up with Clowne Greenway which runs on an old railway line, however there is an area on this unofficial path that has been blocked by a resident of the housing estate to the rear of the course. We have been working with BDC since Summer 2022 and have offered a small part of our land for free to establish the PROW if this issue can’t be resolved with the resident. You can read more about the planned PROW here including forms and guidance to help establish the path as a PROW, or speak to local Councillors, Maxine Dixon or Natalie Hoy.
Any queries or questions regarding this or any Derbyshire PROW can be forwarded to