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Switch it up!

Instead of a standard ‘Golf Membership” don’t forget we’re got our flexible option to ‘switch’ your membership from a ‘Course’ membership’ to a ‘Driving Range’ membership where you will receive range balls instead of golf playing rights. 


How the “Switch” option works:


If you are a 5/7 day member there will be an option from October until February to ‘switch’ your membership to a driving range membership.  This means instead of your normal golf playing rights, you will instead receive;

5 Day Members – 2 x 50 ball baskets per week

7 Day Members – 2 x 70 ball baskets per week

Your membership will automatically switch back to ‘Course’ membership at the end of February 2025, unless you switch it back before.

October to February are often months that are typically colder and the course is usually wetter.  Instead of your standard golf membership where you get nothing in these months apart from a potentially wet golf course, we’re giving you the option to keep your swing going and practice – YOU control when you switch over.  If you want to play when you’ve “switched” you will pay the lowest affiliate rate or you can switch back to ‘Course’ membership.

Sounds a good deal right?  Especially for those that class themselves a fair-weather golfer.  Here’s the T&C’s:

  • Change from ‘Course’ membership to ‘Range’ membership at ANY point from October to February.
  • 2 x 50 ball baskets for 5 day members or 2 x 75 ball baskets for 7 day members, per week when you switch
  • No roll overs on baskets, its 2 per week not 1 this week then 3 next week.
  • If you want to play the course, you’ll be offered the lowest affiliate rate while you’re on a ‘Range’ membership or you can switch your membership back to ‘Course’ membership” at any point during the designated winter period
  • You can only switch once each way (once to Range, once back to Course)
  • Memberships will automatically go back to ‘Course’ memberships at the END of February.
  • You don’t have to switch – its entirely up to you and you can keep your course membership for the year if you want to


That’s basically how it works, if you have any further questions you can fill out the contact form and James will reply.

Author: admin