See bottom of the page for how to contact us



First and most important – we need to know if you have ever had an official handicap with England Golf in the past.  This is really important, so if you are a lapsed or resigned member of any club, we need to know.  If you have never had an official handicap, you will need to complete an England Golf WHS sign up form available in Reception or print at home here: WHS New Member Form Website Copy.  We can then sign you up.  On this form, it is extremely important that you give us the correct spelling of your name, eg Dave Smith, David Smith, Dave Smyth, David Smyth. 

On completion of the form, you will need to pay for your membership (we won’t accept forms and enter you onto the WHS system until we have payment).  You will receive a tear off receipt completed by a member of our staff as your receipt.


The cost for handicap fees will be as follows:

Full members – £25
Affiliate members – £40 including affiliate membership to BLGC to 31 December each year


The handicap fee runs to 31st March every year – unfortunately Derbyshire & England Golf will still charge us the same even though we are part way through the year, so for this year, the earlier you join, the better.  The WHS fee is also in addition to any BLGC membership fees.


Once we have added you to the system you will need to download the ‘MY EG’ app and create an account.  Here’s the link:


The page has all the information you need to input your general play scores (to input a general play score, you need to play with another WHS registered member who will have to counter-sign your card to ‘attest’ your score).  Below is a video on how to add scores to the app.  If you play solo, you will need to hand your paper scorecard into Reception and we will upload to the WHS system.




For the time being, until have completed due diligence with England Golf, we will manually administrate the weekly competitions, so we will continue issuing paper scorecards and you will submit them as you do now.

Obviously Andy and James are around to answer any questions or help with any problems you may have.  Please do not speak to any other members of staff if you have any problems as they haven’t completed any WHS training and are only briefed on how to deal with the forms/payments on Reception.


Got a Question about WHS?

7 + 8 =

Author: admin